Roast Chicken and Leek Pan Pie

by Thom Bateman & Chris Baber

What You Need



Firstly leave the chicken uncovered in a fridge for 2 hours to dry out, pat with a dry cloth or towel then rub with olive oil and salt. Add the onion, lemon and 10g rosemary and 15g thyme to the cavity and roast until internal temps are hitting 70c then rest.

Remove all the meat from the chicken carcass focusing on the legs and wings for the pie filling, reserve any resting juices for the sauce. Fry off the 100g pancetta and set aside.

In the same pan, soften shallots, leek and garlic in a pan with 20g butter and 5g thyme, add the wine and reduce until no liquid remains.Remove from the heat and mix with the shredded chicken meat, pancetta, mustard and parsley.

Melt 50g butter in a pan then add flour to form a roux, cook out for 5 minutes then add the stock a little at a time to form a velouté mix. Add cream, and season with salt and pepper.

Roll out your puff pastry and flip over your 30cm HexClad pan so it’s facing downwards and cut around it so you have a round pastry lid.

Gently mix together the velouté to your chicken mix and pop into the 30 cm HexClad hybrid pan and cover with your cut out puff pastry lid brush. Cut a cross in the centre of the pastry and brush the top with your whisked egg. Sprinkle with salt and thyme before baking at 180c for 40 mins.

Serve a generous portion of pie with gravy.